Seminar & Workshop
- Departmental Seminar: Nil
- National Level Seminar: The Department has organized one national level self-financed seminar in collaboration with IQAC and other Department of Bengali of the college. The title of the seminar was ‘Bange Gandhi Charcha’.(2/09/19)
- International Level Seminar: The Department has organized one international level self-financed seminar in collaboration with IQAC and other Departments of the college. The title of the seminar was ‘Empowerment of Women: From the Perspective of Attaining Gender Parity and Social Justice’.(16/03/18)
- Invited Lectures: The Department has plans for conducting departmental seminars/webinars at regular basis to facilitate the learning process of the pupils.
- Faculty Lectures/Acted as resource person: Smt Sunita Mitra Sarkar has delivered an invited lecture, titled ‘Decision Making: Herbert Simon’ on 02/05/2019 at the Department of Political Science, West Bengal State University, West Bengal.
- Innovative Programme of the Department: On 7th November, 2017, the Department of Political Science organized a ‘Door to Door Dengue Awareness Campaign’ in Lutunia. We have future plans to organise such programmes.
- Mentor-Mentee and its output/feedback: ‘Mentoring System’ is a new process that has been established in our department. During their course of journey students often need mentoring, guidance and counseling. Direct academic issues e.g. selection of electives can be easily communicated to the student. Each Faculty will be the mentor of a group of students.
- Community outreach programme: Students are encouraged to enroll their names in NSS and NCC cells of the Mahavidyalaya and to participate in the various extension activities organized by the college.