Criterion wise tasks has been set and analyses deeply in the series of meeting of the IQAC for the betterment of the Institution considering in its all spheres of its developments i.e. from support system, teaching & learning, infrastructural development, Social Involvement as well as the best management practices. Several keys for the implementation has been prepared and communicated to the HoDs, and related executive bodies for execution at per. Planning and related questionnaires also made and communicated for effective implementation in time bound manner. In some extreme cases, automation were used for analysing web based responses received from the students and parents as well as results of the students.
Abbreviation used: L = (Level / logical,); N = Numeric; IL – Institutional Level; DL = Departmental Level; TC = Teacher’s Cetric; TL = Teacher’s Level; NI = Not Initiated; NS = Not Schemed; NC = Not Carry out; Y = Yes and ?? (Department should provide up to date information on regular basis)