Seminar & Workshop

  1. Departmental Seminar: 02
Sl. No.TitleDateFund & SourceRemarks
 1.International seminar on  Natural Disaster and its Management” 9th   February, 2018 Sabang SK Mahavidyalaya Collaboration with department of Geography


 2.National seminar on  Climate Change and Biodiversity Management” 9th March, 2018 West Bengal Biodiversity Board Collaboration with Dept of Zoology
  1. Faculty Lectures : No
  2. Invited Lectures: No
  3. Innovative Programme of the Department: Nil
  4. Mentor-Mentee and its output/feedback:
  5. Occasional extension programme / Community outreach programme
  6. Others:  Seminar Lecture programme by the PG students in the presence of Faculty of Dept of Physics of Vidyasagar University on July, 2019.