Seminar & Workshop
- Departmental Seminar: 02
Sl. No. | Title | Date | Fund & Source | Remarks |
1. | International seminar on “Natural Disaster and its Management” | 9th February, 2018 | Sabang SK Mahavidyalaya | Collaboration with department of Geography
2. | National seminar on “Climate Change and Biodiversity Management” | 9th March, 2018 | West Bengal Biodiversity Board | Collaboration with Dept of Zoology |
- Faculty Lectures : No
- Invited Lectures: No
- Innovative Programme of the Department: Nil
- Mentor-Mentee and its output/feedback:
- Occasional extension programme / Community outreach programme
- Others: Seminar Lecture programme by the PG students in the presence of Faculty of Dept of Physics of Vidyasagar University on July, 2019.