Facility in the Department

  • Dedicated Class Rooms        :         Three
  • ICT based class Room           :         One
  • Internet/ WiFi accessibility  :         Yes
  • Others: Seminar Library       :         Yes 


SWOC Analysis of the Department


  1. Nice co-ordination among all the teaching staff of the department
  2. Regular evaluation system
  3. Sophisticated collection of  reference books in the seminal library
  4. Arrangement of remedial classes on regular basis
  5. ICT based classroom
  6. Computer Lab with internet facility


  1. The students having very little/lack of knowledge on H.S pure Mathematics and English take admission in this department where sound knowledge of those two subjects are very much essential.
  2. Deficiency of teaching staff in relation to huge burden class to cope up with the needs of CBCS syllabus.
  3. Absence of academic support staff to the department.
  4. Limitation of different type of reference Books.